How Safe Is Your Skin Lightening Cream?

Looking fair and bright is a craze, so common among people with irregular skin tone, compelling the majority of them to experiment with various skin lightening combinations available over-the-counter while some serious ones fix up an appointment with dermatologists or fairness studios.

While dermatologists, bound by the Hippocratic oath, explain the pros and cons of their prescription but among the self-medication enthusiasts, quite a few of them will really care to understand the correct usage and precautions linked to the various skin lightening combinations available over-the-counter. These majority self-medication enthusiasts are the ones who often witness “Et Tu Brute” moment when their aspired product gives them botched results. Therefore a need for a balanced lightning face cream becomes a necessity for such aspirants for a safe and effective Hyperpigmentation treatment.

Hyperpigmentation is a term given to a skin condition where the patches of skin appear darker than the surrounding skin. This is a result of over active melanocytes that start producing more melanin, the pigment that provides colour to the skin, in collaboration with Tyrosinase enzyme. Exposure to sunlight, aging, post inflammation Hyperpigmentation occurring after an acne breakout, pregnancy and of course, to some extent, hormonal fluctuations are responsible to speed up the melanisation process and break many hearts.

In India, the most skin lightening combinations, available on prescription or in cosmetic studio, are usually formulated with the conventional de-melanising ingredients like hydroquinone, corticosteroids, Retinoid, Kojic acid and a host of other chemical entities, which are too strong for a usual sensitive skin type and the usage of which is as good as treading the road to perdition. More often than not, prolonged usage of these chemical entities ends up into a disaster, wherein, the skin gets damaged and the very hope for the bright and radiant skin gets dashed with irreparable blotchy skin appearance. On the other side, there are other OTC herbal concoctions that promise the sky but end up giving mediocre results.

Most men and women with hyperpigmented skin, regardless of their age, want clear, bright and radiant skin. Such complexion enthusiasts deserve an effective, safe and scientifically formulated product that not only brighten the skin but also protects it from damage due to pollutants and sun exposure. Pollutants and UV exposure imbalances the overall metabolisms of the skin, which results in a dull, uneven skin tone that add up into an aged appearance.

One such product that can be vouched for effectiveness and safety is Vitaderm Skin lightening cream, a balanced and clinically proven formulation of #Osmogeline, vitamin A (Palmitate), vitamin B3, stabilised vitamin C and vitamin E.

Osmogeline is a research based derma cosmetic that fights melanisation on all fronts. It is proven to:

  1. Reverse the inflammatory process that is responsible for accumulation of skin pigment or melanin.
  2. It prevents lipoperoxidation process with its anti oxidant properties and protects skin cells from free radical induced damage.
  3. It strengthens the dermal matrix to provide even skin tone.
  4. It protects from UV ray induced damage by reducing the secretion of TNF-alpha.

In addition to Osmogeline, this  skin lightening cream is a balanced combination of skin-essential vitamins that accelerate the skin lightening process by inhibiting the prime culprit, Tyrosinase enzyme, a bio-catalyst which is responsible for melanin production.

So, a comprehensive protection against melasma, chloasma, uneven skin tone, sun spots and UV induced melanisation can be a reality with, a once daily at night application, of Vitaderm Skin lightening cream.

Get fairer; grow confident, with effective and safe skin lightening cream that can wonderfully transform the dull and pigmented skin into a charismatic persona…..    

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